Month: March 2018

How ACT prepares

How ACT prepares An interview excerpt with Joe Rothwell, CEO Interviewer: How do restoration companies prepare for hurricane season? Joe: Well for one, our operations team make's sure that all of our equipment is properly working and all our vehicles are...

Contracting Early

Contracting Early An interview excerpt with Joe Rothwell, CEO Interviewer: Why should I contract a restoration company ahead of time? Joe: Well, a big reason is just to have it in case the event it does happen. Having the peace of mind of knowing who...

Preparing for a Hurricane

Preparing for a Hurricane An interview excerpt with Joe Rothwell, CEO Interviewer: How do I prepare for an unexpected hurricane? Joe: Well I think they need to be proactive. Just like we are prepared with our staff and our team, they need to do the same....

Helping Everywhere

Helping Everywhere An interview excerpt with Joe Rothwell, CEO Interviewer: How does a restoration company in Kansas help my company in a hurricane area? Joe: It works very well. All our equipment is mobile: semi-trailers, tractor rigs, box trucks, vans...

Hurricane Response

Hurricane Response An interview excerpt with Joe Rothwell, CEO Interviewer: How often should you inspect your building for threats to water damage? Joe: Recently, we worked on a couple of losses down in Austin Texas where they had some bad rains. The rains...

Quick Response

Quick Response An interview excerpt with Joe Rothwell, CEO Interviewer: How quickly does a restoration company respond after a hurricane? Joe: We’re there typically right after the hurricane passes because we mobilized in advance. So we’re within 50 to 100...

After the Disaster

After the Disaster An interview excerpt with Joe Rothwell, CEO Interviewer: Which steps do restoration companies take after a hurricane disaster? Joe: Well, for us the first thing is, when it’s safe for us to come in, our scout teams and teams of project...

The Polar Vortex

The Polar Vortex An interview excerpt with Joe Rothwell, CEO Interviewer: What things could happen to my property during a cold storm like the Polar Vortex? Joe: That’s a phenomenon that occurred over the North Pole. When it occurred it opened up where the...

What ACT Does

What ACT Does An interview excerpt with Joe Rothwell, CEO Interviewer: What does a restoration company do? Joe: We provide turnkey service for our clients. We can do the full restoration process. We can assist with cleaning up the exterior of the property,...